Yaskawa’s solution concept aims at realizing a new revolution in industrial automation
The word mechatronics was first coined by an engineer at Yaskawa Electric in 1969. This word consists of the term “mechanism”, which is short for mechanical engineering, and “electronics”, which encompasses the idea of electrical engineering. Our passion for automation is built in to this word. Yaskawa added three “i” (integrated, intelligent, and innovative) to the word, “mechatronics” to help identify solutions to business challenges right at the customers’ production sites by incorporating the use of data in mechatronics products.
Yaskawa has provided solutions, such as automation, using mechatronics technologies and products, including servos, AC drives, and robots, to respond to customers’ demands for higher quality manufacturing and improvements in productivity at production sites.
i³-Mechatronics helps support business challenges together with customers from production sites with the addition of “digital data management” to solutions for automating systems.
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